SMARTFILMS is the film festival made with cell phones, an annual event that, since its inception in 2015, has strived to establish an inclusive space for people with disabilities, indigenous and Afro-descendant populations, entrepreneurs, writers, and artists.
In the 2023 edition, the festival was held from September 28 to 30 at the Bima Shopping Center on Bogota's outskirts. During the three days, attendees had the privilege of immersing themselves in the world of cinema through film screenings and the presentation of the winning short films in the festival's nine categories.
On this occasion, ATmedios was part of the event at the invitation of the ICT Ministry. The idea was to show people attending the stand how audio description, subtitling, and sign language interpretation are included in audiovisual content. To this end, we recorded conversations we had with visitors and, in real-time, included accessibility services that allow deaf or blind people to enjoy autonomously any movie, series, course, event, etc.
Advantages of hiring audiovisual translation services in booths:
- Inclusion: Using sign language interpretation in a booth demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility. This makes deaf people feel welcome and valued, enhancing the festival experience.
- Differentiation from the competition: Live signs can help highlight and differentiate any company's exhibit in a trade show environment with multiple booths.
- Increased participation: Live captioning can encourage audience participation by making presentations more accessible, which can increase interest and interaction at booths.
- Clarity of information: In noisy environments, such as festivals, fairs, or crowded places, closed captioning helps viewers better understand the dialogue, as they can read what is being said on the spot without relying solely on the audio.
- Precision and quality: Our subtitlers are highly trained professionals in stenography and shorthand, enabling them to produce subtitles with exceptional accuracy and quality. This is essential in situations where accuracy is critical, such as live broadcasts or real-time events.