The film "Home, the Country of Illusion", directed by Josephine Landertinger, will have its premier during the 56th Cartagena de Indias Film Festival (FICCI).
"Home (...) is a psychological documentary... life decisions vs. fate, the face of a mother filmed by her daughter, a poetic journey into our inner home."
The movie, a Colombia and Portugal co-production, participates in the Colombian cinema official competition against films such as "The Nobodies", "With the Lips Closed", and "Wounded Night."
The film is spoken in Spanish, Portuguese and English and will be screened with subtitles in English and Spanish provided by ATmedios.
This film belongs to the Global Eyes Production, which invites you to the movie's world premiere on Friday, March 4, 2016 at 4.00 pm in the Walled City. The address is: University of Cartagena, San Agustin branch, Calle de la Universidad (Carrera 4 # 38-40), Cartagena, Downtown.
HOME - The Country of The Illusion ** A documentary by Josephine Landertinger Forero ** (TRAILER 2016 with ENG subtitles) from GLOBAL EYES PRODUCTION on Vimeo.
Summary: Lilia is a 67-year-old Colombian. She has lived in eight countries around the world and now is aging all alone in Portugal. She has not returned to Colombia for almost 40 years. Why? During her visits to Portugal, her daughter Josephine uses her camera to accompany Lilia in her daily routine and tries to answer that question. Through a "poetics of space", Josephine uses her mother's apartment to discover her thoughts. Her fears, dreams and memories are revived in the apartment. The camera work often externalizes Lilia's inner mental space through close-ups. Josephine explores the melancholic sparkle in her mother's eyes - a look that seems to give her more answers than her scarce words. The filmmaker questions challenge Lilia to define her identity. As a nomadic character, Lilia strives to live in peace with her own life and tries to make sense of her decisions. The film portrays the life of an uprooted person whose identity lies among a country of illusion.
By: Natalia Bastidas J.